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Yoga on the beach

Understanding The Top Benefits Of Practising Yoga At The Beach

Yoga on the beach not only sounds idyllic but it is a proven way to improve your mental and physical wellbeing. This sounds like a great reason to take a workout class at the beach. Practising at the beach can also help you challenge yourself, connect with nature, protect your body and have a positive attitude towards life. Here are a few reasons you should consider practising at the beach.

Deepen your relaxation

Outdoor workouts can have a positive effect on your nervous system. When practising at the beach, you will experience the sounds of the ocean, a few peaceful chirpings and the soothing breeze of the ocean. This can help you relax. It can also deepen your poses like the warrior pose or the child pose. The sea breeze also helps you cool down after a vigorous workout session.

Practising at the beach will help you connect with nature

It is important to communicate with nature. We often forget this as we would be cuddled under the blanket in front of the TV than we would against a sturdy rock at the beach. Feeling the grass under your feet, the sand under your toes and the fresh air cooling your skin brings back the evolutionary roots in you and can help you feel better and grounded in your practise. When you practise outside, it enhances your moods and makes you feel more positive.

Experience the fresh sea air

Practising yoga at the beach will help you breathe in the sea air. Research has proven that breathing in sea air comes with a lot of health benefits. Your body will absorb oxygen easier because of the negative ions that are present in the sea air. These negative irons will help you boost your serotonin naturally, which can help you feel relaxed and happier. Scientific studies show that salt has antibacterial properties and this means that it will help you recover faster from bacterial infections that you may have.

Vitamin D

Exercises that you do outside are going to give you a boost in vitamin D even if you are working out on a cloudy day. Our bodies need vitamin D for regulating the phosphate and calcium in our bodies. You will need enough vitamin D to feel healthy and happy. Vitamin D can help you keep your muscles and bones healthy. This is an important part of any fitness routine.

Sand support

Supporting yourself on the sand can be challenging to your practise but you will get the relaxed benefit of a soft support cushion underneath your feet. This is very essential as it supports your bottom and hips too. You might also want to try out more challenging poses on the beach because you will not need to worry about losing control and falling hard on a hard surface such as a wooden floor.

Get out of the comfort zone

Yoga on the beach will help you start learning things about your yoga practise that you never noticed before. Your body could start reacting to a pose in a different way and this will help you get out of the comfort zone.


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