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best probiotics for babies

Everything You Need To Know About Probiotics For Babies

If you have a baby with eczema, GI issues, or a colicky baby, you may need to give them the best probiotics for babies. But before you do that, you should do your research about probiotics to determine whether they are effective and safe for babies with the above conditions and other conditions. Since you might not have enough time to do research, we did it for you. Read this guide to know more about what we found.

Why should you give babies probiotics?

In some cases, doctors recommend probiotics. Gut health is crucial for the well-being of babies. Babies should have enough good bacteria to help them build up their digestive and immune systems and lay the foundation for a healthy life. Kids are not born with all the necessary good bacteria they need. Their GI tract is often weaker when they are born so they are more susceptible to GI conditions and infections.

But as kids drink fortified formula or breast milk, and start eating food when they get older, this naturally builds up good bacteria in their gut. Probiotics can help kids restore or build good bacteria in their GI tract. If your child must be treated with antibiotics, probiotics are vital for restoring the balance of good bacteria in the gut, after the round of antibiotics is complete. This is mainly because antibiotics kill off both bad and good bacteria in the gut.

Toddlers and babies are likely to enjoy the benefits of probiotics. They help fight off bad bacteria and build immunity in kids.

Are probiotics safe for kids?

Research indicates that probiotics are very safe for babies as long as the baby is healthy. Probiotics are also safe for babies with a low birth weight or babies born prematurely. They may cause several side effects so they do not come without risks. Some types of probiotics may cause diarrhoea, stomach pain, bloating and gas. There is a high chance that they may worsen GI problems.

Colic, probiotics and GI issues

There is not enough evidence to confirm the probiotic strains that work best in treating certain conditions in kids and how much of each type of probiotic works best in treating a condition and when in the life of a baby is the best time to give kids a certain probiotic. There are no official approved doses of probiotics for kids at this time and this means that doses are just at each doctor’s discretion. The result of some clinical studies and research show huge promise.

Preparing and giving children probiotics 

More research is needed to understand more about the benefits and risks of probiotics. It is important to consult with your doctor before giving your baby probiotics. You should also ask your doctor about the best probiotic strains to give your child since all types of probiotics are different. Your medical practitioner will tell you the best probiotics for babies and at what doses. They will also tell you how often your child should consume probiotics.


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