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Tips For Distinguishing A Great DJ From An Average One

With so many DJs to choose from, it can be tricky knowing which DJ is better than the other and which one will suit you the best

If you are out looking for a wedding DJ, you are probably confused by all the choice that you have. There are many DJs out there that claim to be the best at what they do and therefore it can be difficult to distinguish between them and find the best one and specifically the best one for you. If you are looking for the best wedding DJ for your wedding, then below are some of the skills that you need to pay attention to that will separate the men from the boys so to speak.

First and foremost, you have to realise that a wedding DJ is far more than just an ordinary club DJ. This means that a wedding DJ can be a good club DJ but not every club DJ is necessarily a good wedding DJ. A description of the skills and expertise that you will read below will help make this a little bit more clear. One of the skills that a wedding DJ needs is that they need to have some microphone skills. If you have ever been toa wedding and you cannot understand what the wedding DJ or any other speaker can say when they are on the mic, then this is a good example of poor mic skills for a wedding DJ and you want to steer away from such. Additionally, if the DJ is speaking and you keep hearing a lot of ‘uhhhh’ and ‘ummmm’ then you probably have the wrong person for the job. The DJ should be able to think quickly on their feet and be able to express themselves clearly when required to and when they need to. If you are looking for a wedding DJ, it is also a good idea to look for a local DJ, a wedding DJ in Melbourne for example if you live in Melbourne will probably be able to get things done on time as opposed to someone travelling to set up their craft far from where they are based. Of course if the DJ can come a day earlier and set everything up beforehand, then that would be even better. This however is not often the case simply because the best wedding DJ are usually always busy and don’t have a whole extra day to spare without any work.

Some of the other skills that you need to pay attention to are as follows. The wedding DJ needs to have some management skills. Why you may ask? Well, at weddings, there are a lot of moving pieces and people to take care of many different things, if the wedding DJ is able to coordinate these people in the subtlest and yet effective way possible then they are a worthy wedding DJ. The wedding DJ should also have improvisational skills since weddings don’t always go as smoothly as expected and on schedule, therefore being able to improvise and adjust to the situation is a good skill for a wedding DJ to have, just ask any wedding DJ City Melbourne expert that you can find.


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