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Top Things That Can Damage Your Car Paint

Car paint repair Sydney can be expensive because it is an activity that one had not prepared for. Car owners should be aware of different chemicals and products that can damage their car paint permanently. It is important to know such things in advance to prevent them from ruining the car paint.

Brake fluid

Most people don’t understand the damaging effects of brake fluid. According to experts, some car brake fluids are more harmful than others. Be very careful when dealing with brake fluids especially those that aren’t silicone based. These are generally the older brake fluid types that can function like paint thinners and make the outermost layer of your car paint to peel. Car owners should buy modern, durable paints that are resistant to brake fluid damage.

Soda and coffee

Beverages like soda and coffee can harm your car paint. The drinks have high levels of acid that can eat away your paint’s protective layer and corrode the paint. This can lead to expensive car paint repair. Sugar present in soda and coffee can leave a sticky residue on your car. Always clean up any messes on your vehicle as soon as possible to avoid long-term damage.


Always be careful when filling up your car with petrol. Gas can overflow and drip on your car. This can cause tough stains. As the petrol evaporates, it leaves behind marks and damages the clear paint coat. You can have your car waxed after every car wash to prevent damage from petrol and make cleanup easier.


In some areas, salt is present in the air, mostly near the coast. It can lead to problems for your car and make you look for car paint repair Sydney. Salt can make your car rust and speed up corrosion. Wash your car often to prevent salt from damaging your car. 


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