Fashion keeps changing drastically. The trend that was followed last week may not be followed in the next. However, there are a few dresses that have made an evergreen impression in the fashion world. One among such dresses is bandage dress, which is popularly known as ‘Bodycon’ (body conscious). The reason why most of the women prefer this beautiful attire is, its body hugging feature. These dresses are made up of stretchable fabric, so as to fluidly fit the body like skin over the flesh.
Well, the idea behind bandage tops is to flaunt those curves that become one of the reasons for attracting men. These dresses give fabulous appearance to the lady putting it on and walking into the bash. It is believed by most of the women that this attire is a magic in itself, as the one wearing it wears great confidence in herself.

Unlike earlier these dresses are pretty much affordable, as these attires have become common party wears. Earlier bodycons were only worn by the celebs. But now, these are very popular among the teens and professional women across the world. Now, you can easily find cheap bandage dresses in the market as well as online. Simply a decade ago these attires used to be quite expensive which made them suitable only for those who could afford it. But now, on some top notch online textile stores you may buy them in the budget that suits your pocket.
One of the funniest, but universal truths behind having this dress is that it gives more reason for modern women to hit the gym. So, you can also consider it as a benefit of buying a bandage top for yourself. How expensive these dresses can be now? Well, it completely depends upon the kind of bodycon you are choosing. If you want to buy heavy party wear then it might cost you about $1000. But at the same time some of the online stores offer the same at the best price. So, search well from where you can get the best dress at the best price and let your friends admire your beauty.