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How to Become a Top DJ in 6 Weeks

tumblr_noj6dlJjk51uw12mdo1_1280I am going to give you tips on how to become one of the top DJs Melbourne. This is for those people who would want to get the benefits of becoming a successful DJ in Melbourne. Take a look at various ways you can become a successful DJ in just six weeks.

Get the right tools

You will need DJ equipment such as a turntable. You can download the software but still, you will need the hardware. You can take your tools and try them out without being guided. You need to get used to how the hardware and software work. At first, you will feel frustrated but you will finally get it.

Use tutorials

After testing your tools, you will need some sort of basic training. You can get someone to train you or you can just use tutorials. You can find YouTube tutorials on DJ song transition. There are a lot of tutorials on the internet that can make you the best DJ on hire Melbourne in 6 weeks. If you don’t understand tutorials, get someone to teach you the basics and practice on it. Dedicate your time and effort to master the skills.


The most popular DJs are not necessarily the best DJs. It is just because they have turned themselves into a brand. You will need to create a unique personal brand and create channels where people can talk to you. You need to pick a name that you won’t change soon and pick a dress code that will make you unique.

Take a break and enjoy life

Most top DJs Melbourne don’t just think about Deejaying all the time. Sometimes you have to relax and enjoy your life. Once your brand is out there, and your skills are polished, clients can easily get you and hire you. Make sure you deliver your best to every client.


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