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Avalon yoga poses
Fitness Yoga

How To Do Yoga To Relieve Back Pain

Avalon yoga poses can help to relieve back pain. The lumbar region and the lower back are sensitive areas of our bodies. Sitting a lot or moving a lot can cause these regions to pain. Pain can affect your mood and your daily activities. Such pain can be relieved by yoga in the following ways.

Supine twist

You can do a twist to the spine to relieve tension on your back and neck. You just have to lie on the ground and let the gravity to help you. Make sure you lie on your back and make your arms make a T-shape on the ground. Pull your knees towards your chest and lower the knees to the left. The neck should be kept neutral. Both shoulders should be kept on the floor you can place a bolster between your knees if they lift too much. Stay in this position for 4 minutes and turn on the other side.

Cat and cow pose

This yoga Avalon pose can also be helpful in relieving back pain. You should start with your knees and hands. Lift your tailbone and chest towards the ceiling as you inhale. Arch your back and press through the shoulder blades as you exhale at the same time dropping your head.

Sphinx Pose

This is a great pose that can stimulate the sacrallumbar arch and tone the spine. You can start off by lying on your stomach. Make sure your feet are hip-width apart. Bring the elbows under the shoulders. You can bring the elbows forward if you feel too much pressure on the lower back.

You can get a deeper bend with this Avalon Yoga pose by placing a block under your elbows. Stay in the position for 3 minutes and come out by lowering the upper body on the ground. You need to relax on the floor as long as you are comfortable.


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