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top DJs Melbourne

Last Night A DJ Saved My Party

We know DJs save lives but did you know Melbourne DJs in Victoria save parties too! A dinner party without music is fine. A tea party without music is fine. But a party without music can be dull as ditch water!…

Things That Top DJs Should Never Do During A Set

Both top DJs Melbourne in Victoria Australia and beginner DJs can make mistakes during a set. However, amateur DJs make more mistakes than professional DJs. Perfection comes with experience. A lot of DJs do not realise that there are other things…

Ideas To Market DJ Services In The Local Aussie Market

Being a DJ near me in Australia is challenging since there are a lot of DJs out there wanting the same things that you want. A lot of DJs are competing to get recognition. The only thing that can make you…

Understanding How Top DJs Manage To Stand Out

Everyone can be a DJ but there are very few top DJs Melbourne in Victoria Australia. Standing out as a DJ is not an easy thing. You might invest a lot of money in marketing and branding but still fail to…