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Things That Do Not Actually Make You A Better Aussie DJ

The incessant ability to redefine what the best wedding DJs Melbourne VIC are is one of the most frustrating things about DJs. It seems like most DJs would be better if they spent a lot of their time on things that matter. Things such as intuition, observation, programming, crowd-reading, moods, music theory, empathy and so on. Here are some things that don’t make you a better DJ, contrary to the popular belief.

Using professional gear

Do not get me wrong because having professional gear is very important for any DJ who wants to be taken seriously. However, the notion that this is a requirement for top DJs is wrong. You can have a pro gear but not perform like a professional. There are a lot of other things that will make you a better DJ such as the way you relate with clients, how you relate with your audience and more. For wedding DJs in Victoria Australia, they need to be able to MC as well as DJ.

Playing records

Being a DJ can be fun and satisfying. You play different records and make people dance. However, it is not all about playing records. If it was about playing records then everyone could be a DJ. Being a professional DJ involves knowing the type of songs to play to which audience, knowing the time to play which types of songs and knowing how to transition your music.

Having a million songs

Diversity is very important for a DJ. However, having too many songs can be confusing because you might not know which songs to play. That is why it is important to whittle down the number of songs you have in your collection. The best wedding DJs Melbourne VIC know nearly every top wedding songs and the right time or occasion to play it. So you can have a lot of songs but not be able to utilise them.


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