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yoga classes Avalon

Things you could be doing wrong in yoga

If you want to get the most from your yoga classes Avalon, it is crucial to ensure that you are doing everything correctly. Everyone needs to remember that in general, remaining still is more dangerous compared to moving even if we are not moving perfectly. You should therefore know how to do yoga poses correctly. Here are some things you could be doing wrong in your yoga class.


When you are asked to take a seat at the beginning of a yoga class, it is a little more complicated than plopping yourself on your mat. This is also known as the easy pose or Sukhasana. It simply means sitting cross-legged. It is simple to do so. For most people, tightness in their low back and hamstrings can cause their pelvis to tuck under and make their back roundish while sitting.

To make meditation comfortable, it is important to consider perching on a bolster, block, or blanket. This will allow your bones to move back when sitting. It will create an optimal curve in your spine.

Breath awareness

Whether you are new or you have been practising yoga for years, focusing on your breath during your yoga class can be daunting. If you are not able to clear your mind for an hour then you might feel like you have failed in yoga. But just five or ten quiet moments of breath focus can be enough during yoga classes. You should try not to go too hard if you lose your focus.

Downward facing dog

If there is one pose that everyone is familiar with then it is the downward-facing dog pose. But if you spend most of your time sitting or you are not flexible then trying to force your heels to the ground could be very unhealthy for your hamstrings and lower back. I believe that you don’t need to have heels on the floor and straight legs in the down dog. If you have a tight low back and tight hamstrings, it is best to bend your knees and keep your tailbone up.


This is the yoga version of a press-up. It is performed dozens of times in flow classes. It is also the pose you are likely to do wrong if you are a beginner. It is a hard pose to perform but even if you are strong, there is a lot that could go wrong. If you are not careful when doing this pose, or you have never been instructed to do it properly, it is common to roll your shoulders in a forward direction which could leave you at risk of tendonitis, rotator cuff injuries and other overuse problems after some time.

Other alignment issues when doing this pose in your yoga classes Avalon include lowering straight down and far toward the floor, squeezing your tailbone under too much and dropping your head first. You should perfect your form by focusing on your alignment standing in a mountain pose or Tadasana then stack your head over the shoulders.


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