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Nutritional Facts And Top Health Benefits Of Olives

Wholesale olives near you are in high demand because people know their health benefits. Olives are highly nutritious and have high quantities of vitamin E and other antioxidants. According to studies, they are good for the heart. They may also protect against cancer and osteoporosis. 

The healthy fats present in olives are extracted to produce quality olive oil. This is one of the key components of the healthy Mediterranean diet. People love to consume olives in sandwiches, salads and tapenades. Some immature olives are green and when ripen, they turn black. Others remain green even when they ripen. 

Most olives in the Mediterranean region are used to make olive oil. Read on as we tell you some of the top health benefits of olives. 

Nutritional facts 

First, we will tell you about the nutritional facts of olives. Olives have 115 calories, 0.8 grams of protein, 80% water, 3.2 grams of fibre and 10.7 grams of fat. 


74% of the fat found in olives is oleic acid. This is a type of monounsaturated fatty acid and it is the main component of natural olive oil. Oleic acid has been linked to several health benefits such as reduced inflammation and a reduced risk of heart disease. Studies show that it may help to fight cancer. 

Fibre and carbs 

Olives are low-carb fruits and carbs comprise around 5% of olives. Most of the carbs in wholesale olives are fibre. Fibre makes up between 52% and 86% of the total carb content in olives. The net digestible carb content in olives is low. However, it is important to understand that olives are a poor source of fibre. 10 olives will only provide about 1.5 grams of fibre. 

Minerals and vitamins 

Olives are an excellent source of several minerals and vitamins. Some of the minerals and vitamins are added to olives during processing. The beneficial compounds of this fruit include vitamin E, iron, copper, calcium and sodium. 

Iron is very important for the transportation of oxygen by red blood cells. Copper is an essential mineral and copper deficiency will increase your risk of heart disease. On the other hand, calcium is essential for muscle, bone and nerve function. 

Other plant compounds 

There are many other helpful compounds in olives such as tyrosol, oleuropein, hydroxyaryl, oleanolic acid and quercetin. All these nutrients have a lot of benefits in our bodies. 

Processing olives 

Spanish green olives, green-black olives and California olives are the most common varieties of whole olives. Because olives are bitter, they are not eaten fresh. They are instead cured and fermented. The processing process removes the bitter compounds in olives such as oleuropein which are abundant in unripe olives. There are some varieties of olives that do not need processing and can be consumed when they are fully ripe. 

You can decide to buy unprocessed wholesale olives queensland and process them yourself or you can buy olives that are already processed. Processing olives can take a few months but the time it takes depends on the method used.  


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