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Yoga Balgowlah
Fitness Health Yoga

Why You Should Be Practising Yoga

Yoga, in particular, yoga Balgowlah, has become increasingly popular over the last decade, but never more so than in the last year. Yoga has brought exercise into the homes of many, as well as peace, calm and focus.  There are different types of yoga, and for some, yoga is about relaxation and meditation. For others, yoga is about combining mind and body. For yet others, it’s about a great work out.

What can yoga bring you?

There are different types of yoga, although at the core of practice are always two main focuses:- breath and being mindful. Try a yoga studio that offers a verity of yoga classes, allowing you to play and practice and find the class that suits you and works for your body and mind.

Hatha, Asthanga, Iyengar and Restorative yoga are the most popular styles of yoga. In all of them, you do a series of poses or postures. Hatha yoga emphasises strength and purification of the mind. Ashtanga is about endurance and strength. Iyengar uses props and is about alignment. Restorative is about exactly that – relaxing and restoring the body.

Yoga as a practice

Yoga is a practice that goes back to India. It is over 5000 years old! Yoga was first developed to unite the mind and the body and is a non-competitive form of exercise. Yoga is less about what you can do, but more about how you do it. Yoga is about your form, but more than that, it is about balancing the mind, the body and the spirit.

When you practice yoga, you will hear your teacher say: “Don’t forget to breathe.’ The very word practice means you will do yoga at your pace, you will not compete against others, and you will learn that your body works in one way, while somebody else’s body in another. You will learn, daily, and you will improve, daily.


The benefits of yoga are huge. You will find ease, calm, silence, relaxation, strength, purity, focus and determination at Yoga Balgowlah, at your own pace and in your own time.


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