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Why You Should Do Yoga On An Empty Stomach

According to experts, doing yoga Clontarf in NSW on an empty stomach is one of the most important preparations for the practice. It is, therefore, crucial to avoid eating for one or two hours before doing yoga. For most people, eating a heavy meal 4 hours before yoga practice is okay.

Give your body time to digest food

Digestion takes up a lot of energy that you need during practice. When your body senses that there is food in your digestive tract, it sends energy to tissues to help in the digestion of the food and moving the food throughout the gastrointestinal system. Your body also needs energy to absorb food.

You can always listen to your body to determine the time you need to wait before beginning your practice. If you have a health concern like diabetes, IBS or hypoglycemia, you should consult a doctor to know how best to manage your eating before yoga practice.

Yoga needs the same energy used for digestion

Attending yoga lessons Clontarf in NSW on a full stomach is not recommended because yoga poses take energy from the digestive process. This makes your body unable to process the nutrients fully and you might have food stuck in your digestive system. This can leave you gassy or bloated.

You become less effective on a full stomach

When you have food in your intestines or stomach, it takes up space in the abdomen. This makes it difficult to do poses like forward bends or twists where the abdomen compresses. It is also harder to do inversions like shoulder stand or headstand with a heavy belly.

However, when you do yoga Clontarf in NSW on an empty stomach, it gives enough space for your abdominal walls to contract and extend with the poses. You will get a deeper stretch in your spinal extension and this gives you a more intense twist.


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