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Yoga And Flexibility
Fitness Health Yoga

A Must-Read Guide On How To Improve Flexibility Using Yoga

The most common reason why people don’t do Northern Beaches yoga is that they are not flexible enough for it. This sounds ridiculous because most of these people don’t know that one of the reasons why we do yoga is to increase flexibility.

Balancing strength with flexibility
It is common that flexible people don’t have enough strength while strong people are not flexible. Yoga can help you to use your flexibility to increase your strength. You can also use your strength to work on your flexibility.

Simple poses to increase flexibility
Flexibility is clearly an important element that a lot of people neglect. Yoga is perfect for you if you want to increase your flexibility. Some people can run for 42KMs but their head cannot touch their knees. Others can lift heavy weights but they cannot put together their ankles.

Don’t hurt yourself
Flexibility cannot be achieved in a single day. You should take it slow and steady. You should be patient. Most stretches in yoga classes Northern Beaches require you to hold your muscles tight and let them stretch slowly. This allows joints, ligaments and tendons to get accustomed to a range of emotions. You can prolong the poses as you progress. The more you stretch, the more your muscles get better and the easier it is to do it.

The cat and cow pose
The cat and the cow pose can be great for beginners who want to increase their flexibility. This can be used as a warm-up Northern Beaches yoga exercise. You just have to position yourself like a cat keeping your palms flat to the ground, knees on the ground and the foot straight. Stretch your neck so that your head looks in front and not on the ground. Stay in this position as you inhale and exhale deeply for a few minutes.


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