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yoga northern beaches

Tips For Leading An Effective And Successful Yoga Class

Teaching yoga means that you also need to know how to lead yoga classes on the Northern Beaches. If you have been to a yoga teacher school then you have had some experience to give you the right foundation for success. Just like life, yoga needs a curious approach and continual learning. You should incorporate new teaching ideas such as the tips illustrated in this article.

Teach consciously

If you teach a class, draw from your teacher training and your personal experience in yoga. Remember how hard the poses were for you when you started. You should expect similar difficulties and even more from some of your students and help them before they realise they need help. Your yoga students will think you are reading their minds when you just read their bodies.

As you model yoga poses, you should explain the intricacies of the yoga pose. You need to highlight the common areas your yoga students may be holding instead of just letting go. You should try and emphasise where they should focus their attention. You should point out where their body alignment may slip.

Get off your mat

It is fine to model yoga poses for your class. It is important to show what exactly you mean with verbal cues when teaching a pose. People do learn this way, with auditory messages reinforcing whatever they see. But in order to lead a yoga class near you, you should get off your mat and try to engage your students. You should get hands-on and make the minor adjustments that could result in major differences. Modelling reveals so much about a yoga pose. Students won’t be able to mirror you so bring the training to them.

Model behaviour

You can model your sequences and postures if you know them intimately. Show them what the yoga pose should look like when done correctly. You should use your teacher training to find the right words to convey details of the yoga pose. The class will do what you are doing and pay attention to everything you emphasise.

When you are in front of a yoga class, you have to be perfect in your yoga poses. You should know where you are in the class and what is coming next. This will help you transition the class from one yoga pose to the next. Modelling the yoga transitions is as important as the yoga postures, especially when it comes to keeping your students from getting hurt.

Attain balance

Some poses such as the downward-facing dog, work the two sides of the body simultaneously. Others such as the triangle pose work on one side of your body at a time. When you are teaching yoga, it is easy to say everything you know about the yoga posture whist the class is still in the first phase of the pose.

When teaching yoga classes in Northern beaches,you should know how to balance your instruction so that you have meaningful comments for both sides of a pose. You can do this by explaining the basics of the yoga pose on one side and turning to explain the basics on the other side. Make sure you hold the pose equally long on each side.


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